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Macmillan Coffee Morning – Going, Going, Scon(e)

What a day that was. We hope our employees & guests had a great time at our Coffee Morning with the drinks and the chatter flowing.

In the last four years we have hosted our annual coffee morning in support of MacMillan and the fantastic work they do.

We smashed last year’s donations, raising a total of £248.52.

Since starting our coffee mornings in 2018 we have been able to raise nearly £800 which is a huge achievement and something we are truly proud of as a team.

Along with thousands of other hosts, bakers and guests, we have made it possible for MacMillan to continue to do whatever it takes to help make life easier for people with cancer, their carers and loved ones.

Thank you to all our staff for baking and contributing and a big shout out to Kathryn Hawkins for organising this once again.


Coffee Morning | Macmillan Cancer Support