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Berkshire Labels had the pleasure of producing the fantastic label range for Artelium Wine Estate’s Artefact Wine portfolio.

These limited edition wines were produced from the first harvest at the Artelium East vineyard and showcase the terroir of the vineyards.

For this special project, they collaborated with award-winning British artist, Sarah Emily Porter who was awarded her first commission to create new work for the labels. Sarah pours and manipulates paint on tilting structures, creating a dialogue between science, art and nature as the paint ebbs and flows under the force of gravity.

Her poured paintings reflect the changing colours and structures of the vines during the seasons.

Berkshire Labels worked closely with Mark from Artelium, artist Sarah Emily Porter and Cook Chick Design to meet the brief of ‘replicating print on canvas’ to a printed label.

A heavyweight 159gsm white cotton material was used to replicate the canvas feel and HP’s Indigo Indi-chrome extended colour palette was used to achieve the rich vibrant colours. To portray the pouring paint effect we used a raised tactile varnish with a spot matt varnish contrasting against the gloss.

Cook Chick specified a pearl hot foil which was foiled and de-bossed on one of Berkshire Labels Big Foot Digicons.

On receipt of the labels Mark Collins, owner of Artelium Wine Estates commented “The labels look great. Fantastic work all round.  They are a great representation of Sarah’s paintings, and they showcase the quality and capability of digital printing.”

Lee Cook from CookChick Design added “We are really pleased and super impressed by the print quality of these labels.

I have to say, they are the best digitally printed labels we have seen. For a digitally printed process, the colour matching to PMS is very impressive.

The pearl foil has worked brilliantly, precisely applied and leaving a beautiful indent in the paper stock.

The tactile varnish has also worked really well to emphasise the paint pour illustrations with the contrast of matt and gloss working really effectively.

Great job indeed.”

The bottles are on sale at www.artelium.com website or at the cellar door shop where you can also see Sarah’s paintings on display.