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Berkshire Labels become FSC® and PEFC certified

Continuing on our sustainable journey Berkshire Labels have been awarded FSC and PEFC certification. We invested in this rigorous assessment process to demonstrate our commitment to a sustainable future for the world’s forests. 

These certifications complement our compostable label range, BioTAK®, which was developed and launched by Berkshire Labels

The exclusive range of compostable self-adhesive labels are derived from sustainable resources and fully certified to EN13432, the European Industrial Compostable Standard.

FSC Chain of Custody Certification

Certificate Number: TT-COC-006338 Expiry 17th December 2022 our latest certificate

FSC is an international not for profit organisation that brings people together to find solutions which promote responsible stewardship of the world’s forests www.fsc-uk.org

PEFC ST 2002:2013 Chain of Custody Certification

Certificate Number: BMT-PEFC-1579 Expiry 17th December 2022 our latest certificate

PEFC is a global umbrella organisation for the assessment and mutual recognition of natural forest certification schemes developed in a multi-stakeholder process. These national schemes build upon the inter-government processes for the promotion of sustainable forest management www.pefc.org